Contact me

I’d love to hear from you. Please use the form to send a message. Your message will arrive directly in my inbox (No gatekeepers). Usually, I’ll reply within 28–72 hours.

If you work for a company, please read the FAQ below:

  • I’m sure your app is outstanding. But I only write about apps I use myself. My website is not a magazine that reviews all sorts of stuff.

    But if you’re convinced that your app enables me to do something I couldn’t do before that’s related to iPhone Photography or traveling, I’m excited to hear from you.

  • My website is a personal website. I only publish content about products that I use myself and experiences I made myself. Thus, my website is not available for guest postings (even if you pay for it).

  • My blog is a personal blog. I only link to products that I use myself. Thus, my website is not available for link insertion (even if you pay for it).